Cinema and technology are used hand-in-hand to help educate and influence people and their behavior. In cinema so many times you hear the that a film is based on a ‘true story’, but what exactly does this mean; well it simply means that the story/narrative that is being presented, is the actual lived experiences of a person. Media together with the influence and help of technology help convey these lived experiences in the form of a movie.

Many people do not believe in being ‘possessed by the devil’ but in the 2005 movie, THE EXORCISM OF EMILY ROSE directed by Scott Derrickson really made people question the

Many people do note of the fact that some movies are based on actual real lived experiences, and that some one in the world actually experience such hardships and sorrows.

MONSTER a (2005) production is a story about a female serial killer, whom happened to be a former prostitute. She was executed in 2002 for killing seven men in the late 1980’s and 1990’s. This movie was based on the true story of Aileen Wuornos and the power struggles, personality issues and life experiences that she went through. By the end of the movie one can actually comes to understand her state of mind.
These 3 movies are only but a few that represent movies based upon a true story. Some of Hollywood’s biggest hits were movies that were based upon a true story.
Through modern day technology and the media we are able to live other people’s experiences, understand their feelings, and connect with them on a personal basis. Cinema and technology serve as an educational service that work together to connect individuals, and these true stories may one day impact greatly upon our lives.
We always watch movies for entertainment, and very often wish and dream of being the protaganist. Yet movies ofer us another dimension of true emotion and victory of the human self. The 'true story' narratives are portrayed to allow the masses to engage emotionally with strangers. It is a marvellous means to show the kindness of the human heart.
A well presented display of the passion for the arts.
Cinema has so many dimensions yet people usually prefer to watch the action movie or the love story.
True story films should be watched and appreciated as they tell the real life stories of people and these types of films allow us to empathise and put ourselves in the person's story.
I have watched the three films that you have spoken about and it is absolutely fascinating to know that they were films based on a true story.
A very informative post! I hope that all who read it become appreciative of this type of cinema! Well done Niri
Well, you are technically right in some aspect. However, the movie business is exactly that, a business. The business is driven by profits and therefore we, the paying viewers, are often seen reproductions of "true" stories that eventually become completely different from the original. Sadly, we are removed from viewing most historical tragedies of this world because they would simply not succeed in the box offices. As empowering as documentaries and true stories are, they will never compare to the mega-hit fairtales such as Spiderman and Star Wars.
-Corey Crawford
Movies are meant to be a break from reality in most though many films have made big impacts on people an example would the passion of the christ in which people took what happened in that film to heart. Although we have to remember that movies are made with he intension of making money
cinema has a huge impact on the way we see our selves and the way others see us, we some times , or often create our idenities from cinema. it is no suprise that cinemia would use our lives as inspiration.
the gerat thing about movies that realy captivates you is when you can connect with the story and that is why real life stories and those that seem real are so succesful. we dont just want to connect but we are curious on the lives of the people around us thats why realism in movies ias such a big success. what people want to see is the truth and when you dress it uo a bit, mabe it is unrealistic to some extent but it does become much more appreciated that some space saga from the year 4020
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