Music is one of the purest art forms therefore it is not surprising that true poets seek to express the universe in terms of music.The singer has everything within him , he uses his present and past experiences to determine the content of his song. He chooses from a variety of musical instruments each with its own unique sound ,which stirs up different emotions in the listener.

Musical instruments give the lyrics of the song an added bonus, which slowly whispers into the listeners ears. The most simplest of instruments add the final touches; such instruments include: the drums , triangle , flute and maracas.They each have their own history and cultures attached to them.
They are the inspiration for today's digital instruments. Music is not only heard but also represented in its own language . Musical notes are used to record beats and narratives , this enables humans to correctly copy and understand musical scripts. Whereas a computer is able to understand musical language through analog as mentioned in the previous posting.

Musical instruments can be created very easily and most musicians opt to personalize them . Rock bands are famous for doing this. For a musician his musical instrument acts as an extension to his/her body. A musician loses track of time while spending hours on end fine tuning,cleaning and practicing. Thus musical instruments play a ever growing part in our societies and cultures.
wow, you are so right, music is really pure and has to come from within
What is life without music? Music has become such a huge part of our lives its been around even before the television has. Music is the truest form of being able to express oneself. Good music does not come only from having a great voice but having all of the mentioned tools to transform it from the ordinary to the extraordinary. You have hit the bulls eye i'm going to listen to some music now;-)
you have expressed something that has needed expressing, that is the simplest of instruments make or create the best sounds.
great post cant wait to read your next posting
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