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The wonders of ANIMATION
Animation is a beautiful part of cinema that covers all the illusions of life, from fairytale's to the real world. It is an interesting type of film making that incorporates camera, frames, projections,screens, laser beams, computers and even artists. Animation has really evolved over time, from free hand drawing of a story board, to computer generated animation. Animation has evolved from FANTASIA, the 1940 production
to SHREK the 2001 production. We ca
n clearly notice the difference in animation and how it has evolved and changed. In 1914 Windso McCay produced the first ever proper animated film for cinema entertainment called Gertie the Dinosaur, and it was a silent black and white film. In the 1920's sound was integrated into silent animations, and in the 1930's colour was added into animation and the feature movie was Snow White. In 2000 Fantasia was the first full-lenght animation film made by computer to be shown on the huge IMAX cinema screen, and in 2004 Shrek followed as the first technical software movie which allowed characters to naturally bounce from surface to surface. Animation is still evovling, and will continue to surprise us. Animation brings drawings to life and creates motion within puppets. Computer animation is growing rapidly
especially in our technology driven world. Computer graphics allows the producer to create extraordinary animated movies such as Cars a 2006 production. Computer animation is essentially the digital successor to the art of drawing storyboards and frame-by-frame pictures.Disney's 2007 ENCHANTED, is an excellent animated and part real movie. It incorporates both animation and
real figures within one movie. A real fairytale movie, and it begins in the true fairytale setting, the beautiful animated princess surrounded by dozens of cute animals singing ENCHANTED melodies. But not long after, the animated fantasy is gone and live-action pictures
begin. Very clearly the first 10minutes of the film evoke feelings of a classic fairytale movie, and then the fairytale ends an live-action begins. We get a happy feeling that fairytale's do come true, even in the furt
hest of places such as New York. Amy Adams whom plays the peppy and charming Giselle in ENCHANTED, can be reasonably compared to Julie Andrews in the movie MARY POPPINS.Cinema and especially animation has evolved over time, and now producers and animation artists create a hyper-reality for the consumer to enjoy and be entertained by. A man-made world of fantacy. BY: NIRVANA DOODLA
There is so much that goes into producing an animated film and its absolutely amazing what we can accomplish with technolgy!
All of the animated films u mentioned are true classics!I think that animation films are beyond just for children to watch, we as adults also enjoy them as they take us into a world of fantasy and dreams.
Its wonderfull to understand the makings behind animation and more exciting to view. Animation does follow the classic hollywood convention with memeorable happy endings. most animated movies also have incredible moral teachings for the young and old. It's the best entertainmet one can enjoy with the entire family.
Animation is not just for kids, many of the animated films are in some instances better than the real life kind. Animation allows the director to not only reach the minds of the kinds but also touch adults. These type of movies are excellent to illustrate and portray complicated issues in a lighter sense yet being able to still get the message desired across to the viewers. Great article;-)
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Real nice ! Many thanks !
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